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Adult Choir

The St. Thomas’ Choir welcomes all singers in high school and above. While many are seasoned choristers, and most have music-reading skills, no prior experience or audition is required. Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings during the school year from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. and at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Repertoire extends from Gregorian chant to the works of contemporary Rochester composers; a deliberate effort is made to present the finest music from all periods, and from the wealth of diverse worship traditions represented among the faithful at St. Thomas’.

The St. Thomas’ Choir leads the musical worship of the congregation on most Sundays and holy days throughout the year. Special musical offerings enrich our services during Advent, Christmas and Holy Week. In addition, choral Evensongs and Masses with instrumental accompaniment are offered once or twice annually.

On some summer Sundays a “pick-up” choir leads our musical worship. With rehearsals limited to Sunday mornings, the summer choir is a good opportunity for singers whose schedules preclude participation during the rest of the year. On other Sundays, special music is offered by singers and instrumentalists from the parish.


For more information or to join the choir contact Rhonda Wright at

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